To ensure your safety, the City of Concordia asks that you follow these rules & regulations to make everyone's experience at the Broadway Plaza an enjoyable one. The Broadway Plaza is an outdoor event space that is open to the public.
Plaza Hours
Sunday – Saturday 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Bathroom Hours
Varies according to the season and Event schedule
Splash Pad Summer Hours
Sunday - Saturday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
(Not guaranteed to be on during events)
Rules & Regulations
1. No tobacco use
2. No consumption of alcohol without prior authorization (Concordia City Code Section 3-203)
If a BYOB event is canceled or relocated, BYOB will then be canceled at the Plaza
3. No open burning (Concordia City Code Section 10)
4. No climbing on fence, poles, umbrellas, dumpster, sculptures, or trees
5. Restrooms are for restroom use only.
6. The Broadway Plaza is not a dog park
We do reserve the right to ask you to remove your pet from the Plaza
Do not wash your dog in the splash pad
The southwest corner is dedicated for your pooch to tinkle & such. The dog poop does need to be picked up. Bags are provided.
7. No panhandling
8. No solicitations, posting of signs, or handbill distribution*
9. No vendors or commercial activity*
* Except by permission by the Broadway Plaza Committee and/or City of Concordia
Patrons of the Broadway Plaza are welcome to
Use the park chairs, tables, umbrellas, and benches within the plaza
When not in use, please lower umbrellas and remove all chairs and tables off the lawn
Enjoy the splash pad!
To activate, step on the orange & green button - it requires a bit of pressure
The water is not recycled
Hours are 8 am to 8 pm
Clean up after yourself by depositing waste in the trash and recycling receptacle
Questions, comments, concerns or to report any damage please contact
CloudCorp, Plaza Management, at 785-243-2010. Criminal activity will be
reported to local law enforcement.